Tuesday, March 22, 2011

40 Days Update

So, I haven't completely fallen off the band wagon, just been too busy to post anything about my progress. And it hasn't been as impressive as the closet or whatnot from other rooms.  I have gone through my half of the dresser and closet in the bedroom - waiting patiently for Dan to do the same (wink wink), and got a good sized pile/bag out of that.

I have also been working on things like the bathroom cabinets and such.  I have probably added a small trash bag to the list with that kind of stuff.  So I think I am up around 10 - I will have to go back and do a real count soon.  And I need to keep up with my cleaning out!  

My only excuse is that the weather has been so darn nice that we have been playing outside instead of working inside!

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